A branch of the popular Sadaf franchise, this fairly formal...
Sink into plush sofas and sip classic cocktails at the Hilto...
Miniscule venue serving mammoth portions The first thing you...
This  cheerful brasserie is open every day of the week for...
Tucked away upstairs at the Yas Viceroy, this is one very go...
Let's start off by saying that New City Palace is not the be...
If you don't count India itself, there can't be many places...
To make the most of Thiptara, book an al-fresco table in adv...
Sugar, mint leaves, a decent dash of lime juice, then gently...
From Time Out Dubai Eating Out 2010When designing a steak re...
Though the sign above the door declares Oriental Korner's re...
Russian karaoke, dance and food? What’s not to love? Well, t...
Situated at Abu Dhabi City Golf Club, with its vast expanses...
Drawn to the Market Place on the promise of a new edible flo...
Fans of pizza will find the diner-style restaurant in the mi...
Much has been made of the 122nd-floor Grill Room at Dubai’s...
From Time Out Dubai Eating Out 2008 The chef at Toshi clearl...
In all honesty, we weren’t exactly jumping for joy at the th...
From Time Out Dubai Eating Out 2010Nestled amidst a haphazar...
There aren't any signs on Najda Street for Qian Zhou Hotpot...
That fine and fancy model of the Japanese lounge bar and din...